In my Embrace Change post, I discussed why it is important to take those big steps in life. Making even one change can have an impact on other aspects of your life. For example: Last summer was when I started taking actions to apply to a January start program for school. In between the making of that decision and school actually started a few interesting things happened. 1. Before school started, I was so busy, and mentally exhausted from pushing myself through work, I couldn't find the physically energy to exercise consistently. Since school started, I've exercised at least 3 times a week. (And that's not counting shoveling snow sometimes twice a day). 2. I have a new job, part time, to help pay my bills while I am in school. This one carries much less responsibility, and when I come home from my shift, my brain doesn't think about work until my next shift. This is perfect for while I am in school. 3. Before school: dating? Ha! What a joke. Yes I went out on d...
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