You play hockey, football or soccer. But you are a dancer. After 4 years at an arts high school where I majored in dance, and a certificate program from college, this unique art form was a major part in my growing up. Am I pursuing it as a career after all of that time? I wish I could, but no. I know I could have tried, and there was a part of me that wanted to. On the other hand, realistically it would have been a struggle I don't think I was prepared to fight through. This is not because I'm not passionate about dance. If anything, because I am too passionate. I was afraid of trying to make it work as a career, and becoming bitter towards dance if I couldn't make it work out. And sure I was a late bloomer to the dancing world, so not as strong in technique as some, but I trained enough to hold my own. But my connection to dance goes beyond the technicality of it. When I dance I stop feeling and express feeling all at the same time. When I'm happy, I dance, whe...
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