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Showing posts from March, 2016

Back to School: Bonus Week and Back to Work

Well, the rough week of tests and assignments from week 10 of my Intermediate had passed. My bonus week for the Solar Photovoltaic Systems course was quite interesting. I'm glad I took this course after Intermediate as some of the theory I learned crossed over into the solar course. The biggest things I took away from the solar course was the different types of solar modules, how to size solar panel systems, how to size battery banks to store the energy, and the different ways you can connect to the hydro grid, or have the system work off-grid. It was definitely worth the extra week off work, and I was glad I had the chance to take it. Our school has solar modules set up on the roof, and we got to check out the battery bank in the Renewable Energy Lab, which has a small 2 story house built inside. They also have a small renewable energy trailer, which has a combination of solar modules and a small wind turbine that charge a set of batteries. These batteries are used to power re...

Back to School: Round 2, Week 10

Well, this was a hell week. Tests, assignments and labs in just about every class, which translates to 1 or more assessments each day. That alone was enough to keep my brain busy. Unfortunately, I had some personal stuff to cope with as well, and that only served to take up some much needed mental capacity. I was determined to start this week off right. I knew it was going to be crazy, so I was trying to have the right attitude to serve me through all of the tests to come. That didn't last long. I had a test in my second class on Monday that I somehow was not aware of (which is not like me to not be on top of those things.) This misstep seemed to set the tone for the rest of my week. I passed the test, but it wasn't with what I would normally be okay with. I had to let that go, so I could carry on. I still had another test that afternoon.   Wednesday was most certainly the hump day. Sometimes you don't realize how much you are holding yourself together until you fall apart....

Back to School: Round 2, Week 9

One more week to go! Or so I thought... There is an extra week that I've opted to take. The school is running a Solar Photovoltaic Installation course that is funded by the Ministry of Training as an update clinic for any apprentices and journeymen. I figured that I'm in school mode anyways, and if I don't have to pay for it, it would be good to add to my skill set.  Apart from that, the learning is done! Now just review and study, study, study. Next week we have at least one, and sometimes two tests per day. A couple of classes include both a written and a practical portion of testing. Just about every evening next week is going to be dedicated to review stuff for the test the day before. I'm not going to get too carried away with as. I figure if I don't know it by now, cramming isn't going to add much more.  I was putting away laundry this weekend, when I realized I'll have to go back to wearing work shirts and pants 5 days a week. Over the last 9 weeks of...

The Weasley Family Clock Project

I came across this project stumbling around the internet for interesting things, as I tend to do from time to time. I thought it was a great example of a practical use for some of the electronics stuff I have been learning in school. It also serves to feed my Harry Potter hunger. (Long live Dumbledore's Army!) I might not be at this stage of the game yet, but it would certainly be cool to work towards.  It makes use of LED's, and a micro-controller connected via wi-fi. It connects to each family member's smartphones via an app (If This, Then That) to geo-locate the family member and communicate that location to the clock. This lights up the corresponding family member with their pre-set locations.  That app has many more uses. It can be used to connect to your HUB wi-fi connected light bulbs; NEST home thermostat; Belkin's WeMo, a plug adapter that you plug your corded device (like a coffee maker, or your Christmas lights). The WeMo is a wifi enabled device tha...