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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Turning Point

There are moments in my life that I know, looking back, were turning points for me. Either I was at a crossroads, or in some cases feeling like I was at a dead end, and needed to figure out a way to forge ahead. The wake of some of these turning points rippled through a decade or more of people, places and things that would never have been for me otherwise. They can all be traced back to one decision. I was working as a sales representative, almost 4 years into the job. I felt I had made the position as much as I could over my time with the company, including changing locations and helping bring things up to speed. I was beginning to get the itch to do something new, and knew I wanted to further my education in some way. I needed to decide if I wanted to continue on the same track and look at marketing or business school. Or, change things entirely. The question was answered for me when a clue landed on my lap. A digital shot clock that I had recently sold to a customer came ba...