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Showing posts from January, 2014

Embrace Change

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. " - Maya Angelou Such a simple concept. So difficult to embrace. Speaking to people about the times I've made big changes in my life, I can't count the number of times I've heard someone say, "wow, this is a big move! I could never do that," or "I can't imagine being brave enough to make that kind of change."  Based on my experience, I've found people over think these big changes. Don't get me wrong, I didn't make my big life changes on a whim, there may have been complications, or a lot in the way of logistics. Regardless of all that, I knew that whatever 'it' may be, it needed to happen. Change is progress. Postponing that change leaves you stagnant. Some take longer than others to figure this out, some never do. Like Maya Angelou's quote above: if you don't like something change it. I c...

Returning to School

So, I turn 25 this year... Early quarter-life-crisis? On and off since high school, I have asked myself: what do I want to do with my life? Answer: give things a try. When I couldn't decide in my last year of high school what direction I wanted my life to go in, I decided to take a year off. Spending thousands of dollars going to post-secondary not having a clue just seemed like a waste of money to me. Many people told me to 'be careful.' According to these people, I was warned that if I didn't go to University or College right out of high school, chances were unlikely that I would go back. Psssh.  During my year off I worked, explored some options of what I liked. That can be tough. Ask someone what they want to do with themselves, and they might have no idea. Ask them what they don't want to do, and you can get a list a mile long. So I started there, and looked at what was leftover. I liked the lifeguarding job, the lifeguarding competitions, so there was on...