Week 3 already!
We have 1 test this week in our Code class, and are getting ready for 3 tests next week in Electrical Theory, Electronics Theory and Instrumentation Theory.
The Certificate of Qualification Prep course has been quite helpful at reviewing the material from the last 2 terms from school (Basic, and Intermediate). It's too soon to include content from Advanced (this term, level 3) as we haven't covered everything we need to know yet. However, it's certainly reassuring to get some of these practice questions back and knowing if it was the actual C of Q exam, I would pass!
I had to arrange to take Electrical Theory next week for a different day. Thankfully, the teacher was understanding, and we made arrangements for me to write it the day before (and of course sworn to secrecy about the test)!
In PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers - the computer programming stuff) the thing I like the best is being able to download the program to our logic board, and test it. Between that and the live feedback on the program, you can see immediately why something doesn't work. Some of the labs I will program a few things, then test it to make sure it's good before I continue. The quick feedback is helpful for troubleshooting and learning.
Apart from PLC's (which is a new subject), the review in other classes is coming to a close, and we'll be moving onto new content.
I'd agreed to help tutor a couple students from class. I helped people last term, and I found it helped me be concrete in my knowledge. Being able to teach a topic to someone else means you need to know it nearly inside and out, or at least enough to know where to find the answers.
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